Resources for Current Students

As a 马会论坛 student, there are a variety of resources that you'll need regular access to for your studies and involvement on campus. For information on everything from course schedules to IT services to student life, check out the links below.

Support Resources

Marko Torres
Support for Your Success

鈥淓ven during the unexpected times, the support of my professors, counselors, and advisors have been essential for my academic success.鈥

Marko Torres
Marko Torres

BA in Biology

Justin Klos
Student Support

鈥淔rom the Academic Resource Center, First-Year Experience and Undergraduate Persistence, to the faculty within the School of Communications, I always felt I had a place to go.鈥

Justin Klos
Justin Klos

BA in Media Communications, 鈥21

Scholarships and Endowed Funds

Olivia Potter
Webster Support

鈥淭hat kind of support system is everything to me ... because I had people at Webster who knew I was going in the right direction. Here I am, 25 countries later, and it makes the world of difference to me.鈥

Olivia Potter
Olivia Potter

BA in International Relations, 鈥19

Hermann Pondi
Have Fun at Webster

鈥淲ebster St Louis is a great campus for sport; I play soccer and I had the chance to play intramurals with people from all over the world ... and that gave me a broader perspective about the world.鈥

Hermann Pondi
Hermann Pondi

BA in International Relations

Travis Haughton
The Webster Advantage

鈥淲ebster has many ways to get involved on and off campus to build your social skills. The more involved you are, the more people you'll know ... the more opportunities you'll get.鈥

Travis Haughton
Travis Haughton

BA in Film, Television, and Video Production, 鈥20

Emergency Assistance

马会论坛 is committed to helping our students through unexpected financial hardships. Emergency aid, including loans, grants, tuition adjustments/waivers, food assistance and funds for textbooks and technology, is available to students enrolled at campuses in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

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Highlights from 马会论坛